Is My Boyfriend Manipulative Quiz

This is my boyfriend manipulative quiz is a list of things to pay close attention to if you suspect your boyfriend is being controlling or abusive. If you see some of them, do not justify them away with thoughts of "He is a nice person, he loves me, he does other nice things..." and so on. Look at the behavior itself and not the justification for it.

Manipulators often have good excuses, which seem plausible, for their bad behavior. This is how they get away with what they do. It is time to stop justifying bad behavior and see it for what it is.

Getting a close friend to help you as you go through the list is often a very useful thing to do. They will often see or understand things that you do not. This is not a criticism of you, it's simply the nature of manipulation and mind control that the victim is often the last person to realize what is going on in the relationship. Outsiders may see things that are glaringly obvious and even wonder why you cannot see them!

So let's get right to it...


Is my boyfriend manipulative quiz

Was the relationship fantastic at first, but now you hardly recognize the person you fell for?

Have you been thinking for a while that there is something wrong but you can't quite put your finger on it?

Can he make you feel incredibly good, but also incredibly bad?

Were there lots of gifts, praise, compliments etc. at the start but those are getting fewer and fewer as time goes on?

Does he say one thing and do another? This is a tricky one. Remember what I said about paying attention to the the behavior and not the excuse? This one is worth pondering on for a bit because it is very significant. If he says he is going to do something, does he actually follow through and do it, at least 9 times out of 10?

Have you noticed that you are spending less and less time with family and friends? Is it because he criticizes them, makes you feel bad when you are about to go off with them, or even starts an argument every time you come home after having been with them? Again, this is a very important one. Mind Control 101: isolate victims from their support networks. It means he becomes your main source of information, which puts you in a very vulnerable position.

Does he repeatedly do and say things that are upsetting, even though you have told him a thousand times that these things upset you?

Does he ever say sorry? If he does, does he actually mean it? By that I mean, if he says sorry does he stop doing whatever it was that upset you of is he at it again very shortly after?

Have you noticed that when he makes comments about what you say or do, he makes it really about you, about who you are? For example, he doesn't say that you said something ridiculous, instead he points out that you are ridiculous for having said that. This is how he attacks your identity, your sense of self worth and your sense of yourself. Little by little he is chipping away at who you are, forcing you into a position where you want to change to please him, or at least to avoid the horrible comments!

Does he tell you that your expectations are too high in the relationship? But he sets the bar for you very high indeed?

In fact, does he have one set of rules for himself, and another set for you? He may have all sorts of excuses as to why he can break or change the rules but you are never allowed to use the same excuses?

Have you ever gone to him to because you want an apology for something he has done and you end up apologizing to him for having done that very behavior?

When you argue with him, does he drag more and more things into the argument so that, in the end, you realize you are talking about something completely different and you are not sure how you ended up there?

Do you have the same arguments about the same thing over and over? You may feel that you cannot get through to him, you may blame yourself for communicating poorly, or you end up thinking he just doesn't get you. The thing is that he gets it alright, he is just not giving in to what you want.

Have you done things in this relationship that you wouldn't have done before? Have you put up with things in this relationship that you would not have tolerated in the past?

Have you ended up doing sexual things that you now wish you hadn't done?

Do you find yourself apologizing for all sorts of things? To the point that your friends tell you to stop doing it?

When somebody is helpful to you, do you say thank you a lot in order to let them really know that you appreciate it? This is an effect of being treated so badly in the relationship!

Does he make you feel guilty about lots of things? Your body, your weight, your job, your friends, your family, your past, your thoughts, your actions, your hobbies, and so on...

Is he much better at destroying your boundaries than you are at setting them or keeping them in place?

Before you do anything, do you mentally check if he will be ok with it or not?

Does he keep you in the dark about things? Lots of things? Do you know as much about his past as he does about yours?


Is my boyfriend manipulative quiz - the usual stuff

Does he shout and swear at you?

Does he call you names?

Does he use threats?

Does he make suggestions about leaving the relationship is you don’t go along with his wishes? Well, they are not really wishes, more like orders!

Has he been physically abusive? This includes throwing things at you, smashing your possessions, punching the wall beside your head, lifting his hand or fist as if going to hit you but not actually doing it...

Is he very critical? Demeaning? Belittling? Does he ridicule your ideas, your wants and your needs?

Has he been lying to you? Or do you suspect he is lying but you cannot pinpoint any specific things?

Does the relationship feel all about him, what he wants, what he says, what makes him happy?

Have your wants and needs become a distant memory?


Is my boyfriend manipulative quiz - I think so!

If you see many of the above signs in your relationship, you have to do something about it. This man is stealing your life away. He is using you to make his life more comfortable. He is taking your identity away from you, he is taking your energy, your creativity, your enjoyment and he is stealing your time.

He is not going to stop. He has everything he wants. Why should he give that up? It's up to you to put a stop to the manipulation and the abuse.

You need more information. Information about mind control, about manipulators and about what was done to you and, more specifically, how it was done. Only then will you be able to undo the damage and not get caught in other abusive relationships later on. With this in mind, here are some more suggestions for you...


Is my boyfriend manipulative quiz - more reading

Read about what goes on in an abusive relationship, the stages of such a relationship, how to spot a psychopath, what is a manipulative personality, what is a toxic trait, more signs of verbal abuse and all about recovering from an abusive relationship.


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